Modelo estandarizado para la adquisición y evaluación de competencias enfermeras mediante simulación clínica utilizando la escala ECOEnf
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El Consejo Nacional de Juntas Estatales de Enfermería (NCSBN), define a la simulación como las actividades que imitan la realidad del entorno clínico para entrenar procedimientos, toma de decisiones y aplicar el pensamiento crítico. Estas modalidades incluyen entrenadores de tareas, realidad virtual, pacientes estandarizados, pacientes virtuales y simuladores de alta fidelidad. El aprendizaje basado la resolución de problemas (ABRP) es una extensión del ABP que incluye una intervención por parte del estudiante para resolver los problemas planteados El alumno aprende a partir de la resolución organizada de problemas clínicos concretos previamente seleccionados por el equipo docente y adquiere la competencia para resolver un problema similar en otra ocasión...
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) defines simulation as the activities that imitate the reality of the clinical environment to train procedures, decision making, and the application of critical thinking. These modalities include task trainers, virtual reality, standardised patients, virtual patients, and high-fidelity simulators.One of the pillars of higher education is to base teaching on the acquisition of skills, constituting one of the most significant changes in the current European and Latin American university context. In this sense, universities must demonstrate that their students acquire the skills established for the degree and to do so, they need valid and reliable instruments; this is the challenge...
The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) defines simulation as the activities that imitate the reality of the clinical environment to train procedures, decision making, and the application of critical thinking. These modalities include task trainers, virtual reality, standardised patients, virtual patients, and high-fidelity simulators.One of the pillars of higher education is to base teaching on the acquisition of skills, constituting one of the most significant changes in the current European and Latin American university context. In this sense, universities must demonstrate that their students acquire the skills established for the degree and to do so, they need valid and reliable instruments; this is the challenge...
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología, leída el 04-03-2024