Quantum non-gravity and stellar collapse

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Observational indications combined with analyses of analogue and emergent gravity in condensed matter systems support the possibility that there might be two distinct energy scales related to quantum gravity: the scale that sets the onset of quantum gravitational effects E-B ( related to the Planck scale) and the much higher scale E-L signalling the breaking of Lorentz symmetry. We suggest a natural interpretation for these two scales: E-L is the energy scale below which a special relativistic spacetime emerges, E-B is the scale below which this spacetime geometry becomes curved. This implies that the first 'quantum' gravitational effect around E-B could simply be that gravity is progressively switched off, leaving an effective Minkowski quantum field theory up to much higher energies of the order of E-L. This scenario may have important consequences for gravitational collapse, inasmuch as it opens up new possibilities for the final state of stellar collapse other than an evaporating black hole.
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© Springer. Financial support was provided by the Spanish MICINN through the projects FIS2008-06078- C03-01 and FIS2008-06078-C03-03 and by Junta de Andalucía through the projects FQM2288 and FQM219. The authors want to thank J.L. Jaramillo, S. Liberati, S. Sonego and M. Visser for some illuminating discussions.
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