Carrier recombination at screw dislocations in n-type AlGaN layers

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Albrecht, M.
Krinke, J.
Christiansen, S.
Ambacher, O.
Strunk, H. P.
Stutzmann, M.
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We analyse the recombination and scattering at dislocations in Si doped AlGaN layers by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron beam induced current (EBIC) and cathodoluminescence. We show that c-type screw dislocations are nonradiative recombination centres. From temperature dependent measurements of the EBIC contrast we find a shallow acceptor state 20 meV above the valence band. The level can be understood iri terms of one-dimensional dislocation bands split off by the dislocation deformation field. In addition piezoelectric potentials play a role.
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© 1999 WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH, Fed. Rep. of Germany. International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (3. 1999. Montpellier, Francia).
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