Influence of grape variety and their phenolic composition on vasorelaxing activity of young red wines

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De la Hera, Elena
Villar Del Fresno, Angel María
Prodánov Prodánov, Marín
Vacas, Visitación
Arroyo Casado, Teresa
Hernández García, María Teresa
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'Ortega T, De La Hera E, Carretero ME, Gómez-Serranillos P, Naval MV, Villar AM, Prodanov M, Vacas V, Arroyo T, Hernández T, Estrella I. Influence of grape variety and their phenolic composition on vasorelaxing activity of young red wines. Eur Food Res Technol 2008; 227: 1641–1650'
Red wine has been reported to exert beneficial effects in preventing cardiovascular diseases probably due to their polyphenols constituents. The vasorelaxant capacity and phenolic composition of four monovarietal young red wines Merlot, Tempranillo, Garnacha and Cabernet-Sauvignon obtained from grapes from 2004 vintage, cultivated under the same climatic and agricultural conditions, wine-making technology and storage conditions, were determined using vascular reactivity assay in rat aortic and high-performance liquid chromatography, respectively. Primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells from Wistar rats were also used to evaluate their survival prevention activity as well. Every studied wine present vasorelaxation effect, but the higher value corresponds to the analyzed Merlot wine, especially rich in phenolic compounds, mainly catechins and oligomeric proanthocyanidins and anthocyanin glycosides. This study further demonstrated previous investigations about the phenolic composition of wines relation with their vasorelaxation activity
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